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Sponsor A Reading Space

In response to the high national demand for our Youth Reading Program reading spaces, we will begin creating shop books affiliates in cities across the United States in the summer of 2016.  Parents, educators, community groups and leaders, churches, fraternities, sororities, libraries, families, and local governments anywhere in the United States can now help sponsor youth reading spaces in their local communities.


The sponsorship fee required to become a Youth Reading Program affiliate and to create our child-friendly reading space in your local shops is only $150. Your sponsorship includes all of the following items (see images below):


  • Initial book set (15 engaging children’s books)

  • Replacement book set (15 engaging books)

  • A Book sling (24 x 12 x 28 inches)

  • 1 large 18″ x 24″ Books poster

  • 5.5″ x 4.5″  Books window decals


We will annually release a curated list of 15 children’s books. These select titles will be distributed, along with replacement books to each affiliate in the United States.


To sponsor a Youth Reading Program space in your local community, please complete and email all of the following three forms to

Once we have received all three completed documents and the sponsorship fee, you will receive a confirmation call and an email with shipping information.



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